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Default Variables

The following blocks will be present and accessible as defaults when running any tag.

Meta Variables

Meta variables reference meta attributes about the tag invocation.

Args Block

The {args} block represents the arguments passed after the tag name when invoking a tag. If no parameter is passed, it returns all the text after the invocation name. If an index is passed, it will split the arguments into a list by the given splitter, and return the word at the index. The default splitter is a " ".

Usage: {args([index]):[splitter]}

Payload: splitter

Parameter: index



In the following example, assume the tag's name is argstag and the message content is [p]argstag When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

# When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
# When life gives you lemons
# make lemonade

Uses Block

The {uses} block returns the number of times a tag has been used.

Usage: {uses}

Payload: None

Parameter: None

# 1

Discord Object Variables

These blocks reference Discord objects from the tag invocation context.

Author Block

The {author} block with no parameters returns the tag invoker's full username and discriminator, but passing the attributes listed below to the block payload will return the attribute instead.

Aliases: {user}

Usage: {author([attribute])}

Payload: None

Parameter: attribute, None

idAuthor's Discord ID
nameAuthor's username
nickAuthor's nickname, if they have one, else their username
avatarA link to author's avatar
discriminatorAuthor's discriminator
created_atAuthor's account creation date
timestampAuthor's account creating date as a UTC timestamp
joined_atDate author joined the server
mentionAuthor's ping/mention
botWhether author is a bot or not
colorAuthor's top role's hex color
top_roleAuthor's top role
roleidsList of author's role IDs

Target Block

The {target} block follows the same usage and has the same attributes as the Author Block, but it's defaults to the mentioned, or the tag author.

Usage: {target}

Aliases: {member}

Channel Block

The {channel} block with no parameters returns the channel's full name but passing the attributes listed below to the block payload will return the attribute instead.

Usage: {channel([attribute])}

Payload: None

Parameter: attribute, None

idChannel's ID
nameChannel's name
created_atChannel's creation date
timestampChannel's creation date as a UTC timestamp
nsfwWhether the channel is nsfw or not
mentionChannel's ping mention
topicChannel's topic

Server Block

The {server} block with no parameters returns the server's name but passing the attributes listed bellow to the block payload will return the attribute instead.

Usage: {server([attribute])}

Aliases: guild

Payload: attribute, None

idServer's ID
nameServer's name
iconServer's icon
created_atServer's creation date
timestampServer's creation date as UTC timestamp
member_countServer's member count
botsNumber of bots in the server
humansNumber of humans in the server
randomA random member from the server