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Slash Arguments

SlashTags support up to 10 arguments with multiple types, allowing for flexibility and advanced user input handling.

Adding Arguments

Similar to the initial slash tag creation process, adding arguments to slash tags follows an interactive setup. You can either choose to add arguments while creating a slash tag, or by editing them later with [p]slashtag edit arguments <slashtag>.

Argument Types

StringAccepts any user inputted text as an argument.{string}StringAdapter
IntegerOnly allows integer input for the argument.{integer}IntAdapter
BooleanAllows either True or False as input.{boolean}StringAdapter
UserRefers to a member of the server or a member in the DM chanel, accepting username or IDs as input.{user(name)}MemberAdapter
ChannelRefers to a text, voice, or category channel in this server, accepting channel names or IDs as input.{channel(topic)}ChannelAdapter
RoleRefers to a server role, accepting role name or IDs as input.{role(id)}SafeObjectAdapter
NumberAccepts any floating point number.{number}StringAdapter
ChoicesOffers a list of choices for the user to pick. Each option has a name and underlying value which is returned as string argument when accessed.{choice}StringAdapter

Argument Usage

A slash tag's argument can be accessed in its tagscript through the use of variable block. For example, if a slash tag has a argument named member, it could be accessed with {member}.

Additionally, slash tag arguments of the channel, role, or user type support attribute access through the block parameter such as {member(nick)}.