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Adventure Help

Adventure, derived from the Goblins Adventure cog by locastan.


  • Usage: [p]adventure [challenge]
  • Aliases: a
  • Cooldown: 1 per 5.0 seconds
  • Checks: server_only

This will send you on an adventure!

You play by reacting with the offered emojis.

Challenge is Owner only and cannot be used by anyone else.

adventure backpack

  • Usage: [p]adventure backpack

This shows the contents of your backpack.


  • Usage: [p]rebirth
  • Checks: server_only

Resets your character level and increases your rebirths by 1.


  • Usage: [p]negaverse <offering>
  • Aliases: nv
  • Cooldown: 1 per 3600.0 seconds
  • Checks: server_only

This will send you to fight a nega-member!


  • Usage: [p]loot [box_type=None] [number=1]
  • Cooldown: 1 per 4.0 seconds

This opens one of your precious treasure chests.

Use the box rarity type with the command: normal, rare, epic, legendary, ascended or set.


  • Usage: [p]convert <box_rarity> [amount=1]
  • Cooldown: 1 per 4.0 seconds

Convert normal, rare or epic chests.

Trade 25 normal chests for 1 rare chest.
Trade 25 rare chests for 1 epic chest.
Trade 25 epic chests for 1 legendary chest.


  • Usage: [p]loadout
  • Aliases: loadouts

Set up gear sets or loadouts.

loadout save

  • Usage: [p]loadout save <name>
  • Aliases: update

Save your current equipment as a loadout.

loadout delete

  • Usage: [p]loadout delete <name>
  • Aliases: del, rem, and remove

Delete a saved loadout.

loadout show

  • Usage: [p]loadout show [name=None]

Show saved loadouts.

loadout equip

  • Usage: [p]loadout equip <name>
  • Cooldown: 1 per 600.0 seconds

Equip a saved loadout.


  • Usage: [p]aleaderboard [show_global=False]
  • Checks: server_only

Print the leaderboard.


  • Usage: [p]scoreboard [show_global=False]
  • Checks: server_only

Print the scoreboard.


  • Usage: [p]nvsb [show_global=False]
  • Checks: server_only

Print the negaverse scoreboard.


  • Usage: [p]wscoreboard [show_global=False]
  • Checks: server_only

Print the weekly scoreboard.


  • Usage: [p]atransfer
  • Checks: has_separated_economy

Transfer currency between players/economies.

atransfer deposit

  • Usage: [p]atransfer deposit <amount>
  • Checks: server_only

Convert bank currency to gold.

atransfer withdraw

  • Usage: [p]atransfer withdraw <amount>
  • Cooldown: 1 per 600.0 seconds
  • Checks: server_only

Convert gold to bank currency.

atransfer player

  • Usage: [p]atransfer player <amount> <player>
  • Cooldown: 1 per 600.0 seconds
  • Checks: server_only

Transfer gold to another player.


  • Usage: [p]mysets

Show your sets.


  • Usage: [p]apayday
  • Cooldown: 1 per 600.0 seconds
  • Checks: has_separated_economy

Get some free gold.


  • Usage: [p]heroclass [clz=None] [action=None]
  • Cooldown: 1 per 7200.0 seconds

Allows you to select a class if you are level 10 or above.

For information on class use: [p]heroclass classname info.


  • Usage: [p]pet
  • Cooldown: 1 per 5.0 seconds

[Ranger Class Only]

This allows a Ranger to tame or set free a pet or send it foraging.

pet forage

  • Usage: [p]pet forage

Use your pet to forage for items!

pet free

  • Usage: [p]pet free

Free your pet 😢


  • Usage: [p]bless

[Cleric Class Only]

This allows a praying Cleric to add substantial bonuses for heroes fighting the battle.


  • Usage: [p]insight
  • Cooldown: 1 per 30.0 seconds
  • Checks: server_only

[Psychic Class Only]
This allows a Psychic to expose the current enemy's weakeness to the party.


  • Usage: [p]rage

[Berserker Class Only]

This allows a Berserker to add substantial attack bonuses for one battle.


  • Usage: [p]focus

[Wizard Class Only]

This allows a Wizard to add substantial magic bonuses for one battle.


  • Usage: [p]music

[Bard Class Only]

This allows a Bard to add substantial diplomacy bonuses for one battle.


  • Usage: [p]forge

[Tinkerer Class Only]

This allows a Tinkerer to forge two items into a device. (1h cooldown)


  • Usage: [p]skill [skill=None] [amount=1]
  • Cooldown: 1 per 2.0 seconds

This allows you to spend skillpoints.

[p]skill attack/charisma/intelligence
[p]skill reset Will allow you to reset your skill points for a cost.


  • Usage: [p]setinfo [set_name]

Show set bonuses for the specified set.


  • Usage: [p]stats [user]

This draws up a character sheet of you or an optionally specified member.


  • Usage: [p]unequip <item>

This stashes a specified equipped item into your backpack.

Use [p]unequip name of item or [p]unequip slot


  • Usage: [p]equip <item>

This equips an item from your backpack.


  • Usage: [p]backpack [show_diff=False] [rarity=None] [slot]

This shows the contents of your backpack.

Give it a rarity and/or slot to filter what backpack items to show.

Selling: [p]backpack sell item_name
Trading: [p]backpack trade @user price item_name
Equip: [p]backpack equip item_name
Sell All: [p]backpack sellall rarity slot
Disassemble: [p]backpack disassemble item_name

Note: An item degrade level is how many rebirths it will last, before it is broken down.

backpack equip

  • Usage: [p]backpack equip <equip_item>

Equip an item from your backpack.

backpack sellall

  • Usage: [p]backpack sellall [rarity=None] [slot]

Sell all items in your backpack. Optionally specify rarity or slot.

backpack disassemble

  • Usage: [p]backpack disassemble <backpack_items>

Disassemble items from your backpack.

This will provide a chance for a chest,
or the item might break while you are handling it...

backpack sell

  • Usage: [p]backpack sell <item>
  • Cooldown: 3 per 60.0 seconds

Sell an item from your backpack.

backpack eset

  • Usage: [p]backpack eset <set_name>
  • Cooldown: 1 per 600.0 seconds

Equip all parts of a set that you own.

backpack trade

  • Usage: [p]backpack trade <buyer> [asking=1000] <item>

Trade an item from your backpack to another user.


  • Usage: [p]ebackpack [show_diff=False] [rarity=None] [slot]

This shows the contents of your backpack that can be equipped.

Give it a rarity and/or slot to filter what backpack items to show.

Note: An item degrade level is how many rebirths it will last, before it is broken down.


  • Usage: [p]cbackpack

Complex backpack management tools.

Please read the usage instructions here

cbackpack show

  • Usage: [p]cbackpack show <query>

This shows the contents of your backpack.

Please read the usage instructions here

cbackpack disassemble

  • Usage: [p]cbackpack disassemble <query>

Disassemble items from your backpack.

This will provide a chance for a chest,
or the item might break while you are handling it...

Please read the usage instructions here

cbackpack sell

  • Usage: [p]cbackpack sell <query>
  • Cooldown: 3 per 60.0 seconds

Sell items from your backpack.

Forged items cannot be sold using this command.

Please read the usage instructions here